Dental Crowns & Veneers

High-Quality Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Chips, cracks, gaps, and other flaws in your smile are usually easy to correct with veneers or dental crowns. The cosmetic dentists at Water Oak Dental offer both types of tooth restoration and cosmetic dentistry options to help you achieve your ideal smile.

Whether you want your teeth to appear more even or you want to cover up tooth discoloration, we’ll help you achieve the best possible result with our high-quality tooth restorations.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are well-suited for patients who want to fix damaged teeth. A crown sits over the top of the natural tooth like a cap and is designed to strengthen and enhance the tooth structure. We have a CEREC® machine at our practice which allows us to create and place the dental restoration in a single day.

Benefits of same-day dental crowns include:

  • Highly durable

  • Strengthens tooth structure

  • Can improve aesthetics

  • Same day procedure

  • Covers chips, cracks and damage

  • Matches natural teeth


Benefits of Dental Veneers

We usually place dental veneers for cosmetic reasons. Patients who want to enhance their smile and look years younger may opt for porcelain veneers that mask any flaws. An added benefit is veneers also strengthen the teeth and rejuvenate the smile.

Some of the key benefits of veneers include:

  • Designed to look like real teeth

  • Masks chips, cracks, gaps, and tooth discoloration

  • Natural-looking results

  • Customized for the patient

  • Improves aesthetic appearance

Let's Talk About Bridges


If you are missing one or more teeth, you may have a space or gap that we can fill with a bridge!


At Water Oak Dental, our exceptional dentists will create a custom dental crown for bridge work. A set of crowns will be created that attach to the teeth on either side of the space to fill the gap. Since bridges are durable and natural looking, they are a great option for rebuilding and restoring your smile.

How does this work?

  • First, our experienced dentists prepare your dental bridge site to reshape the necessary teeth so the bridge can be accommodated. We will then take impressions for the lab for fabrication of the bridge with your material of choice.

  • Our skilled dental assistants will make you a temporary bridge to wear while your custom bridge is being made.

  • We will schedule you with your dentist 2 -3 weeks later to attach your dental bridge in place!